Did you know that Millennial’s are not the newest generation of employees? Gen Z is quickly becoming a major force in the workforce. As Generation Z enters into adulthood, they will make up 40% of the global workforce by 2020 and 50% by 2025. In this blog post, we will explore how to unleash the power of Gen Z employees with strategies for managers to follow so that they can be more successful at work.
One of our Gen Z team members, Erin, said this, “As college becomes more expensive and the job market tighter, it’s important to integrate employee interests into the workplace. Similarly, as a film student and proud member of Gen Z, finding a job that would allow me to explore aspects of my degree was very important. Although I didn’t go into this job with the intention of using my degree, I quickly found that doing so was beneficial to both the business and myself.”

Freedom to hang out: Create events around common interests
Trapology Staff getting way too into Game of Thrones.
Check out how we transformed our lobby into a theater every Sunday!
Freedom to explore: TikTok content creation
We gave our team ownership over certain tasks so that they have autonomy and feel valued.
A note from Erin, “I first pitched the idea of making a company TikTok account! We now had a casual voice. It also gave us something to do in the downtime between interacting with customers. More importantly though, having a task that required us to work together creatively boosted morale. Because I work with so many creatively minded people, we each had a role to play in production. Theater majors starred in videos, film majors edited them, and music majors scored them. We were each happy to use what we are passionate about in a setting outside of school.”
Freedom to be creative and tell stories
We created opportunities for them to get involved on projects early on and utilize their fresh perspective.
Storytelling in video production is one of the best ways to bring out your audience’s emotions. Giving team members creative freedom will allow them to tell their stories, which adds more value to yours.
Check out our Trapology YouTube channel!
Freedom to be experiment under guidance of a mentor
We’ve all heard of the term ‘mentoring’. It means that a more experienced colleague teaches and trains a less experienced colleague in their work or field, giving them guidance on how to succeed. Mentorship plays an important role in Gen Z’s success for their self-development. This is a surefire way to unleash the power of Gen Z workforce,
If you want to unleash the power of Gen Z, here are 3 final tips for recruiting and retaining them.
1) Create an inviting office space that’s more than just desks with chairs in it
2) Pay attention to the social needs of your Gen-Z employees
3) Give them opportunities for personal growth beyond what they currently do at work by providing training or mentorship programs.
The Gen Z workforce is a powerhouse of talent.
Contact us today if you want help implementing these tips! After helping hundreds of companies with their team building, we have experts ready to guide you through all phases of hiring and retention including creating job descriptions, interviewing potential candidates, onboarding new hires, developing employee benefits plans and much more.